
Breeze is a rails 7 engine (ie standard practise..) and has an install generator.
After which you have to decide on the routes and authentication.

How to set up a machine for editors is covered below

Demo first

Breeze is mounted, but read only


Learn how to use


Create your own styles

Get the gem

Add to your Gemfile and bundle

gem "breeze_cms" , "~> 1.0.1"

And run the installer:

bundle exec rails breeze:install

Look at config/initializers/breeze.rb and adjust if you need


Add routes using routes helper (no routes are generated by the generator).

Normally the engine is not mounted in production, only viewing routes are always created by the engine.

Rails.application.routes.draw do 

Use production: true , to mount in production , or root: true to define the root to index.

Breeze generates a route for any page you define. And it generates redirects if you rename a page.

Access the back-end under localhost:3000/breeze/pages

Stylesheets, Authentication, SEO

These need some adjusting, unfortunately for tailwind it gets a little tricky. This is because it is not possible to have several tailwind stylesheets in use, and so we need to distinguish between apps that use tailwind themselves or not.

Apps using tailwind

If you use tailwind with the tailwind gem, you need to edit the tailwind config.

Basically it is impossible to have two tailwind generated stylesheets, so your app needs to pick up the breeze styles. This can be configured like so:

const output = execSync('bundle show breeze', { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const fullname = output.trim() + '/**/*.{haml,html,rb}' ;
module.exports = {
  content: [
    fullname ,
    .... as before

Also, breeze overrides some tailwind styles (especially prose/markdown), so if you want to use markdown i suggest importing the breeze/tailwind_styles into your application.css. This is pure css, and does not need to be processed by tailwind.

Apps not using tailwind

Include breeze stylesheet to your layout or asset pipeline.

= stylesheet_link_tag "application"
= stylesheet_link_tag "breeze/breeze"


If your ApplicationController has a authenticate_member! it will be called before any breeze action (in the backend). Currently there is no way to configure devise user class (obviously we assume Member) , but you can use it to call whatever you use, ie authenticate_user!

Breeze backend logs all changes and calls current_member_email to do so. If your controller responds to current_member, that will be used, otherwise a dummy. Override current_member_email to return your users email if you wish.


Meaning how to get meaningful titles and description into your page, since Breeze is not actually rendering the header. content_for to the rescue!

A breeze page defines content_for :title and :description. So you need to add those to the html header, eg like so:

    %title= yield( :title)
    %meta{ name: "description" , content: yield(:description)}/

Also breeze sets the alt tag for images to the image name. Since the actual images are numbered,it pays to make those names good.

Basic Setup

In it's most basic usage the developer uses the cms herself. And creates new templates as needed.

Or maybe a copywriter creates text and a (junior) developer does the edit.

A dedicated cms developer should be picked in this case to avoid git conflicts, of ids if nothing else.

Part time editors

Editors may sometimes use the developers machine. Either physically or remotely (on the same network).

Dedicated staging machine

A developer sets up a dedicated staging machine on an intranet/lan. Ie access is restricted by physical access, either to the machine, or the lan.

Users, or editors, may still need an account, (set up by a developer) and for ultimate safely the machine can be made to listen on localhost only. Ie a normal developer machine, and only that machine may be used to edit the content.

The developers reviews changes, if branches are used merges, and deploys. Ie the developer always deploys.